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  • Writer's pictureAna Matorić Akasha

The Pure Essence

Updated: Nov 13, 2022

Dear Soul...

Oh, how, I would like to give you the gifts I've got!

More than anything, I would like to show you the worlds I've seen...

(photo of My Temple, provided by K.Kovac <3)

There is a place, inside of yourself... where nothing, but Love lives.

Love, that breathes through you...

Love, that creates, builds and supports every cell of your body...

Love, the Pure Essence of what we are. Nothing but Love!

Your body is a sacred temple, build from Love! Every muscle, every bone, every organ, every cell... Works constantly, out of Pure Love. No matter what we've done to it, no matter what its been through... It has an immense power to heal itself and with each and every moment, it is healing itself. Even when its lacks our love: our attention, our gratitude... It still works. And it will continue to work, devotionally building a warm and welcoming earthy home for you- until it comes time for you to leave this dimension.

There, inside of yourself...

There is Love, that showers you with its Pure Presence.

It provides you healing. Great health. Abundance... That every single soul deserves. That every single being can create for itself- just by opening to it.

Open your doors! Open your windows!

There are gifts coming your way all the time... I've seen so many wonderful gifts.

Your Essence is begging you to take it! They ve' been given to you, provided to you... out of Pure Love.

Oh, how I would like to give you gifts I've got!

More than anything, I would like to show you the worlds I've seen...

I cannot do that, but I can speak about it, roar about it, beg you to seek it for yourself!

I cannot do that, but I don't even have to do that- that is not my job. They are already available to you, they've always been.

Open yourself and wait! It's the matter of time when you'll find them!

"To love

With our love

For our love

We shall rise above!"




With immense Love and Grattitude,


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